(705) 327-9998

Orillia Truck Repair and Trucking Services

Orillia Truck Maintenance

Orillia Premier Truck & Trailer Inc. is proud to offer a full range of heavy duty truck and trailer maintenance services to truck owners located in the greater Simcoe County area.

Regular maintenance is recommended for any truck to ensure that no problem goes undetected. Regular maintenance also helps your truck run smoothly and efficiently and, in most cases, saves you money. Indeed, a poorly running truck, while it may not show any signs of malfunction, tends to guzzle more gas than a fine tuned one.


Regular oil changes help your truck run smoothly and consume less gas. Old or dirty oil may also, in time, cause damage to your engine and leave you with costly repairs that could easily have been avoided.


Lube jobs are essential to keep all your truck's moving parts lubricated and clean. Orillia Premier Truck & Trailer Inc. recommends taking your truck in for a lube job at least twice a year to make sure that everything keeps moving smoothly.


Transmission repair is one of the most expensive truck repair, and can usually be avoided by taking your truck in for regular transmission maintenance servicing.


Regular maintenance on your air conditioning system helps ensure that you will not have to suffer a hot and uncomfortable ride on the hottest day of the year.


Your truck's radiator's job is to make sure that your engine stays at the optimal operating temperature. Poorly maintained radiators too often lead to engine overheating and other damaging truck problems.


The province of Ontario requires that your truck and trailer pass MTO regulated inspection, ensuring your vehicle is not producing high levels of pollutants. Orillia Premier Truck & Trailer Inc. is certified to conduct inspections and can make your truck compliant to provincial requirements.

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